Make Auditing Sexy Again - 6 Reasons why I would choose the auditing profession again

Published on
September 27, 2024
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Auditing isn't sexy anymore.

Or, at least, according to the declining interest in the profession. The auditing sector is often misunderstood and overshadowed by the more glamorous roles in finance or tech. From Elon Musk to Mark Zuckerberg, it's just not that cool to be living in the world of legislation and regulatory standards. (I have never really heard of an 'auditor bro').

It's time we revive the love for the auditing profession.

Most of us seek a balance in our work and personal lives. As a bunch of auditors, we've learned that the sacrifices we have made to have this career can come with that golden ratio.

In 2022, fewer than years before, only 3 649 auditors were in South Africa. With this decline in SA auditors, it is a lucrative opportunity for young BCom graduates looking for a career and to balance their profession with their personal lives.

There are golden opportunities for BCom Accounting graduates, here's how you can succeed in the auditing field. (Photo: Vitaly Gariev)

Here's why you should become an auditor (and how you can achieve the work-life balance dream):

A profession of the future

Far from being stuck in the past, auditing is at the forefront of technological innovation. Artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and blockchain are transforming how we conduct audits. For tech-savvy BCom graduates, this is an exciting frontier.

Working with cutting-edge technology positions places auditors at the heart of innovation. Here's how global leaders in the auditing profession are getting ahead of the curve.

Global Opportunities

Auditing is a profession without borders. Markets have become interconnected, creating a demand for auditors who can operate in various regulatory environments. BCom graduates entering the auditing profession can travel, work in different countries, and experience diverse financial systems and business cultures.

In auditing, your skills are highly transferable, enabling professionals to pivot into roles such as financial consultancy, risk management, and executive leadership positions in multinational corporations.

Diverse career pathways, fast track your progress

You can strike that work-life balance, invest in the auditing profession (Photo: Thought Catalogue)

One of the greatest misconceptions about auditing is that it is a narrow field with limited career progression.

On the contrary, auditing offers a variety of career paths, from external and internal auditing to specialized areas such as forensic auditing, IT auditing, and environmental auditing – you relish knowing that you are growing your knowledge and earning a hefty penny for your expertise.

To understand businesses from the inside out, entering the auditing field provides a unique vantage point. Young auditors gain exposure to diverse industries, interact with top-level management, and develop a comprehensive understanding of business operations.  

This holistic experience sharpens their technical skills and enhances their strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities, making them valuable assets in any industry.

At Accensis, our auditors have an opportunity to work with all kinds of clients, from NGOs to major corporations to family businesses; our staff can gain both knowledge and experience while working alongside our clients.

Flexible work lifestyle

The nature of the auditing profession lends itself to flexible work arrangements. Auditors don't need to sit at their desks all day to have success in their careers. As with most professions, working norms are revamping as corporations embrace flexible work arrangements.

Have a chat with your company about the benefits of flexible work arrangements, or look out for companies who boast about their remote and hybrid work policies.

Job security

Job security is a crucial factor when choosing a career. With high unemployment rates across the world, and considering the dwindling interest in the profession but a demand for quality auditors, this could be the opportunity for you. Whether in a multinational corporation, a global accounting firm, or a non-profit organization, the need for auditors spans borders.

The constant need for transparency and regulatory compliance in today's globalized world ensures that auditors remain in demand.

Purposeful work

The perks of being an auditor are numerous and compelling. From diverse career opportunities and global demand to purposeful work that makes a difference, auditing offers a career path that is both rewarding and secure.

If you are looking for a career that ticks the boxes and lines your pockets, auditing could be the one for you.

Discover our current job vacancies for auditors