Naar? Not with SARS - How AI is transforming tax in South Africa

Mumtaaz Khan
Trainee Accountant
June 28, 2024
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Revolutionizing Taxation: How AI is Transforming SARS and Benefiting Taxpayers

Is AI changing the landscape for taxpayers?

OpenAI's ChatGPT has seen a meteoric rise in popularity. Regulators, businesses, and ethical committees are scrambling to understand this new technology.

SARS is no exception. Luckily, South Africa is leading the charge in modernising tax administration by integrating artificial intelligence (AI). The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has been quite open about using artificial intelligence and machine-learning algorithms to perform its duties.

The current SARS Commissioner, Edward Kieswetter, stated in a Daily Maverick interview that during the past fiscal year, SARS utilised machine learning algorithms to collect R70 billion in tax revenue. This achievement highlights the transformative power of AI in tax administration.

Tax processes can become more accessible to the average taxpayer with AI (photo: Mohammed Nohassi)

Efficiency and Speed: A New Era of Tax Processing

Gone are the days of long waits and bureaucratic delays. With AI at the helm, SARS has dramatically improved the efficiency of tax processing.

Automated systems handle the bulk of the work. They ensure that tax returns, payments, and other submissions are processed swiftly.

For taxpayers, this means quicker refunds and faster resolutions to any issues, significantly reducing the time spent dealing with tax-related matters.

Accuracy You Can Trust

One of AI's standout benefits is its ability to enhance the accuracy of tax assessments. By minimising human error, AI ensures that calculations and assessments are spot on.

This accuracy reduces the likelihood of mistakes on tax returns, helping taxpayers avoid the frustration and potential financial penalties associated with disputes.

Around-the-Clock Customer Support

Imagine having a tax expert available to you 24/7. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants make this a reality, offering round-the-clock support for all your tax-related queries.

Whether you need basic information or detailed guidance on filing your returns, these AI systems are equipped to provide the assistance you need whenever you need it.

Personalised and Proactive Services

AI enables SARS to offer more personalised services than ever before. By analysing individual taxpayer data, AI can provide tailored advice, reminders about tax obligations, and tips on potential deductions. This personalised approach helps taxpayers stay compliant and ensures they make the most of their tax returns.

Moreover, AI's predictive capabilities allow SARS to identify potential compliance issues early. Taxpayers can be alerted to discrepancies before they become significant problems, helping them avoid penalties and interest charges. This proactive assistance is a game-changer in maintaining smooth and stress-free tax compliance.

Simplifying the Tax Process

Tax filing can be daunting, but AI simplifies the process. Automated systems can pre-fill forms with data from previous returns, saving taxpayers time and reducing the likelihood of errors.

This streamlining makes tax compliance more accessible to everyone, even those who may find tax matters complicated or overwhelming.

AI is becoming part of our daily lives, even with the tax man (Photo: Lukas)

Fighting Fraud and Corruption

AI's ability to detect and prevent fraud ensures a fairer tax system. By identifying unusual patterns and anomalies, AI helps SARS crack down on fraudulent activities, protecting honest taxpayers from the repercussions of other's dishonesty.

This integrity fosters trust in the tax system, ensuring everyone pays their fair share.

Greater Transparency and Improved Communication

Transparency is crucial in tax administration. AI enhances this by providing more precise insights into tax processes and decisions.

Advanced data analytics and reporting tools mean taxpayers can understand how taxes are calculated and used. Ultimately, this will foster greater trust and confidence in SARS.

Additionally, AI tools improve communication between SARS and taxpayers. Coaching machines in human language generates clear responses to tax inquiries, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring taxpayers receive accurate information.

Embracing the Future

SARS's integration of AI is not just a technological upgrade but a transformation. As a taxpayer, you can benefit from AI, which makes tax compliance more accessible, faster, and more accurate.

The advantages of AI—from enhanced efficiency and accuracy to improved customer support and proactive compliance assistance—create a fairer and more transparent tax system.

As SARS continues to embrace AI, taxpayers can look forward to a more responsive and efficient tax authority.

The future of tax administration is here, and it is bright. It promises a smoother, more efficient experience for all South Africans. With each technological advancement, SARS moves closer to a seamless, user-friendly tax system that benefits everyone involved.